Jumat, 31 Maret 2017

I Can't Imagine Lifi Without "Refrigerators"

I Can’t Imagine Life Without

Can’t imagine if we life without refrigeratos. All people must know how useful the refrigerators especially in the present, the refrigeratos seems to have become a staple for most people especially those who already have a family and people who already have their own income. Almost all food and drink that is nsot so durable can be stored in the refrigerator so a period of use or period of consumption of food and drink sunc longer or can we interprent also that the food is not perishable.
Not only has family and a job that requires a refrigerator, but the company and stores that sell food and drink who will sold, they wear the refrigerator for almost all the food they condumption of should be stored in cold in order to durable especially ingredients such as meat, fruits and the other, but there is also the food that can not be stored too long in the refrigerator for example banana fruit if bananas is stored too long in the refrigerator, skin color bananas is no longer yellow or green but black.
So can not be imagined if we life without the refrigerator especially when now, all the food will durable if stored in the fridge what else ingredients and food or drink can melting like ice cream. So thanks for William collen has made his discovery is very incredible namely the refrigerators invention very useful to everyone.

Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

This Is My Skill

This time we will discuss about capability, but before we discuss about the skill we have to know what meaning of the skill itself. Understanding the skil itself is each skil possessed by a person, although the context of omployment opportunities, expertise is often defined as a combination of knowledge and hand skills between workers rough. Task employment is often defined as experts, half experts according to level of expertise required to carry out the duties of emloyment.

It’s her understanding of the skill itself. Now i will tell about skill, perhaps there are readers who need my skill. So, my skill is storytelling, especially storytelling about a funny thing, don’t know why I feel this skill is the one I have may be because this story is about funny things and make people laugh make them feel happy and excited and I also felt the same thing, then I feel it is a skill that is in me.

So to improve the skills that exist within myself, it seems I also need to practice more active, more often to speak in front of many people so as not to feel awkward, because often times I still feel it. In addition to practice speaking maybe I need to watch more television shows narrate funny things so I got the inspiration for the next story and the last one I think I need to consume more ice cream and chocolate so I always feel happy  although sometime my heart hunt.

Ok, enough about today. See you in the next story babbay.

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

tugas 2

Profession Of An Economist
Group :
1.      Syarif Rifa’i
2.      Erza Syafira
3.      Saropah
4.      Dini Salsa
Reading (Vocabulary)
1.      Effort              = usaha
2.      Concerned       = prihatin
3.      Goods             = barang – barang
4.      Interested        = tertarik
5.      Costs               = biaya-biaya
6.      Employed        = memperkerjakan
7.      Engage            = mengikutsertakan
8.      Policies            = kebijakan
9.      Wears              = memakai
10.  Policy              = kebijaksanaan ( of an goverment)
11.  Forecast           = ramalan
12.  Gains               = laba
13.  French             = orang perancis
14.  Especially        = teristimewa
15.  Assured           = percaya
16.  Paychecks       = cek gaji
17.  Fringe benefits = tunjangan
18.  Risks               = resiko
19.  Risktaking       = beresiko
20.  Measured        = telah diperhitungkan
21.  Teens               = remaja
22.  Increase           = pertambahan
23.  Regarded        = menghormati
24.  Rather             = agak
25.  Tycoon            = hartawan

Exercise 1. Study the meaning of the following words, then use to fill in the gaps: monitor, check and control.
1.      Check
2.      Control
3.      Monitor
4.      Control
5.      Monitor

Exercise 2. Choose the words with similiar meaning from two columns and arrange them in pairs.
1.      Costs = P. 1 line 6
Meaning = expenses, outlay
2.      Monitor = P. 3 line 2
Meaning = control, manage
3.      Flair = P. 4 line 5
Meaning = skill, talent, inclination
4.      Entrepreneur = P. 3 line 6
Meaning = employer
5.      Forecast = P. 2 line 4
Meaning = prediction
6.      Provide = P. 2 line 4
Meaning = supply, equip, outfit
7.      Job-setting = P. 2 line 1
Meaning = place of work
8.      Liable = P. 5 line 4
Meaning = responsible

Exercise 3. Complete the sentence using the words given below.
1.      Liable means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.
2.      An self-employed is a person who sets up business and bbusiness deals.
3.      A tycoon is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and powerful.
4.      The industry will have to pass its increased distribution on to the consumer.
5.      The management will provide accommodation, food and drink for thirty people.
6.      He has always been benefits or fringe benefits for his children.
7.      The costs of the job include a car and free health insurance.
8.      He won’t qualify as an economist until next year.
9.      An individual hopingto start up a new company needs to have entrepreneurial flair or talent.
10.  Unfortunately forecasts of higher profits did not come true.
11.  Economists are concerned with the production, entrepreneur and comsumtion.